Myofascial Dry Needling

I offer Myofascial dry needling which concentrates on the trigger points in the muscle tissue. Trigger Point Dry Needling is a hands on technique that eliminates trigger points from muscles.  It is the best way to completely remove trigger points and is often more permanent than other manual trigger point therapies like massage. 

It is called dry needling because it is derived from an older technique called trigger point injections.  These injections were "wet" meaning that they injected a liquid substance through a hypodermic needle.  Dry needling uses a solid filament needle and does not inject anything and so is called "dry". It is sometimes called trigger point needling and intramuscular needling.

Trigger points are irritable, hard “knots” within a muscle that may cause pain over a large area, leading to difficulty performing everyday tasks or sporting activities. When a trigger point is touched, it hurts and can also cause pain in nearby areas, also known as ‘referral pains’. When a person has painful muscles and trigger points, it is sometimes called myofascial pain syndrome. Dry needling may release the tight muscle bands associated with trigger points and lead to decreased pain and improved function.


1 Hour Myofascial Dry Needling - £55.00 | 30 Minute Myofascial Dry Needling - £40.00